FUMS User Guide


User Guide

The Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) User Guide is designed to help users navigate and effectively utilize the system’s features for managing fiber infrastructure. Whether you’re tracking inventory, performing surveys, or conducting measurements, this guide provides step-by-step instructions for each module. It’s a comprehensive resource for both new and experienced users, ensuring a smooth experience with FUMS’ powerful tools and functionalities. Dive in to explore how FUMS can streamline your fiber management operations.


FUMS Basics

> FUMS User Portal

This article gives a brief description on the app’s main screen UI, and basic FUMS User Portal Operations

FUMS User Portal

 The portal is divided into key sections, each labeled to highlight its functionality. Here’s a breakdown of the elements:

  1. FUMS Logo (Top Left): Located in the top-left corner, the FUMS Logo represents the Fiber Utility Management System brand. It is used for quick identification of the platform.
  2. FUMS User (Top Right): On the top-right corner, you will find the FUMS User section. This shows the currently logged-in user account, displayed as “FUMS\Demo” in the example. The “Logout” option is also available for signing out of the portal.
  3. FUMS Applications (Center): The center of the portal is where the FUMS Applications are located. These applications provide access to various tools within the system:
    • Material Management: Manages materials and inventory.
    • Work Order: Handles work orders and associated tasks.
    • Admin Portal: Access for administrative functionalities.
    • FUMS Survey: Manages survey-related activities.
    • FUMS Viewer: Provides data viewing capabilities.
    • FUMS Editor: Allows users to edit system data.
  4. Footer (Bottom): At the bottom of the page, there is a Footer containing copyright and system details. In this example, it reads:
    2024 All Rights Reserved. Powered by SIT Digital International Inc.

> FUMS Apps​


The FUMS User Portal provides access to several key applications:

  • Material Management: Integrates with store inventory to optimize material use in design.
  • Work Order: Manages projects with multiple work orders; access to the FUMS Editor is restricted by work orders.
  • FUMS Viewer: A read-only interface for viewing OSP, ISP, and connectivity details without editing rights.
  • Admin Portal: Simplifies user account management, role assignments, and access control.
  • FUMS Survey: Facilitates fiber optic network planning, offering tools for site evaluation and resource allocation.
  • FUMS Editor: Allows full access to modify and manage OSP, ISP, and connectivity information.

> FUMS Material Management

FUMS MAterial management

The FUMS Material Management interface is shown with the following elements:

  • OSP/ISP Buttons (Left): Allows users to switch between different types of materials like OSP Civil, OSP Cable, ISP, etc.
  • Current Page: Displays the active page, in this case, “OSP Civil.”
  • Switch to Add Materials (Top Right): A toggle for enforcing warehouse inventory when adding materials.
  • OSPs: Options like “Structure” and “Span/Duct” represent the OSP categories available for selection.

This interface is designed to manage and allocate materials for OSP and ISP operations.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Civil) Structure


Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing OSP Civil records. Key features include:

  • Search Bar: Allows filtering of OSP records.
  • Store Count: Displays the number of stored items.
  • Add OSP: Button to add new OSP records.
  • Edit OSP: Button to edit existing records.
  • OSP Records: List of stored OSP items categorized by type, description, manufacturer, and model number.

Ideal for managing outdoor structures and utilities within the system.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Civil) Span/Duct

FUMS OSP (Span/Duct)

Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing OSP Span/Duct records. Key features include:

  • Search Bar: Used to find specific OSP span/duct entries.
  • Store Count: Indicates the number of stored records.
  • Add OSP: Button to add new span/duct entries.
  • Edit OSP: Button to edit existing span/duct records.
  • OSP Records: List of span/duct records categorized by type, description, manufacturer, and model number.

Helps manage underground and aerial duct spans efficiently.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Cable)


Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing OSP Cable records. The interface includes two main options:

  • Fiber Cable: Manage fiber optic cable records.
  • Closure: Manage closure records related to fiber cable connections.

This interface helps you to  organize and maintain the outdoor fiber cable infrastructure effectively.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Cable) Fiber Cable

FUMS Fiber cable

Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing OSP Cable records. The interface includes two main options:

  • Fiber Cable: Manage fiber optic cable records.
  • Closure: Manage closure records related to fiber cable connections.

This interface helps you to organize and maintain the outdoor fiber cable infrastructure effectively.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Cable) Cloure

FUMS Clousure

This interface allows you to manage OSP (Outside Plant) closures within the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS). Key features include:

  1. OSP Records: Displays the current list of OSP closures with details like category, type, subtype, and description.
  2. Search Bar: Use this field to quickly find specific OSP closures.
  3. Store Count: View the total number of OSP records in the system.
  4. Add OSP: Add a new OSP closure record to the system.
  5. Edit OSP: Modify existing OSP closure details.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Radio)


This interface in the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) helps manage OSP Radio materials. Key features include:

  1. Material Management (OSP Radio): This section provides an overview of radio materials, such as antennas.
  2. Module Navigation: Use the side menu to switch between different OSP categories like OSP Civil, OSP Cable, OSP Radio, ISP, and Indoor.
  3. ISP Section: Directs users to manage ISP-related material through the antenna interface.

>> FUMS Material Management (OSP Radio) Antena


This interface of the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) enables you to manage antenna records. Key features include:

  1. ISP Records: Displays the list of antenna-related ISP records, including details such as Object ID, Class, Category, Type, Subtype, and more.
  2. Search Bar: Quickly search for specific antenna records by entering relevant criteria.
  3. Store Count: Shows the total number of antennas or ISP items stored in the system.
  4. Add ISP: Allows users to add new ISP records, such as antennas.
  5. Edit ISP: Modify details of existing ISP antenna records.

>> FUMS Material Management (ISP)


This shows the “Material Management – ISP” section of a Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).

  • Title: “Material Management – ISP” section of the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).
  • Categories: A variety of ISP-related components are displayed, including optical splitters, amplifiers, couplers, chassis, and more.
  • Navigation Panel: The left panel offers options for navigating different sections, such as OSP Civil, OSP Cable, OSP Radio, ISP, and Indoor.
  • Inventory Management: A toggle switch is available to enforce warehouse inventory control.
  • ISP Materials: Materials listed include both active (amplifiers, switches) and passive (couplers, trays) components used in fiber utility management.
  • Interface Purpose: Helps manage and track inventory for ISP materials in the system.

>> FUMS Material Management (Indoor)

FUMS Indoor
  • Title: “Material Management – Indoor” section of the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).
  • Categories: Options available for indoor material management include Shelf, Room, and Floor, indicating different levels of physical organization.
  • Navigation Panel: The left panel allows navigation to different system sections, such as OSP Civil, OSP Cable, OSP Radio, ISP, and Indoor.
  • Inventory Control: A toggle switch to enforce warehouse inventory management is present.
  • Purpose: Designed for organizing indoor infrastructure and materials, with a focus on physical locations like shelves, rooms, and floors within the system.

>> FUMS Material Management (Indoor) Shelf

FUMS Indoor
  1. Title: “Material Management – Indoor” and “Shelf” sections of the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).
  2. Indoor Organization: The interface displays the organization of indoor materials by Shelf, Room, and Floor categories.
  3. ISP Records: The “Shelf” tab shows detailed ISP records, including information such as Object ID, Class, Category, and other parameters.
  4. Search Bar: Users can search for specific subtypes of materials using the search functionality.
  5. Store Count: Displays the total number of items or materials in the store, giving a quick view of inventory.
  6. Add ISP: A “+” icon is provided to add new ISP materials to the system.
  7. Additional Tools: Other tools include options for editing ISP records and further managing the inventory.

This will help you to manage and track ISP materials under indoor categories such as shelves, rooms, and floors, with the ability to search, view, and add materials.

>> FUMS Material Management (Indoor) Room

FUMS Indoor Room

Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing Indoor ISP (In-building Structured Cabling) records, specifically focusing on rooms within the indoor environment. The key elements include:

  • Shelf, Room, Floor: Options to navigate between different indoor structure management levels.
  • ISP Records: Displays detailed records for indoor spaces like rooms, showing object IDs, class, category, type, and more.
  • Search Bar: Enables users to search for specific indoor structures.
  • Store Count: Tracks the inventory and quantities of indoor components.
  • Add/Edit ISP: Options for adding new indoor records or editing existing ones.

This  is designed to manage indoor cabling infrastructure efficiently, allowing users to track and maintain detailed records.

>> FUMS Material Management (Indoor) Floor

FUMS Indoor Floor

Here is the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) interface for managing Indoor ISP (In-building Structured Cabling), specifically focusing on floors. Key features include:

  • Shelf, Room, Floor: Options to navigate between different sections of the indoor infrastructure.
  • ISP Records: Displays detailed information about each floor, including object ID, class, category, type, subtype, and other relevant data.
  • Search Bar: Allows users to search for specific floors or records within the system.
  • Store Count: Displays the inventory details related to the selected floor.
  • Add/Edit ISP: Options to either add new floor records or edit existing ones, making it easy to manage indoor cabling.

This layout helps efficiently track and manage the cabling infrastructure for indoor floors.

> FUMS Work Order

>> FUMS Work Order (Create Project)

FUMS Workorder ( create project)

This allows you to create a new project in the FUMS system.

Steps to Create a Project:

  1. Navigate to the “Create Project” screen:
    • Use the left-hand navigation panel and click on Create Project.
  2. Fill in the project details:
    • Project ID: Enter a unique identifier for the project.
    • Project Manager: Select the manager responsible for this project from the dropdown menu.
    • Project Status: Choose the status of the project from the list (e.g., Initial, In Progress, Completed).
    • Start Date and End Date: Set the start and end dates for the project using the date picker tool.
    • Scope: Define the project’s scope by entering specific goals or boundaries.
    • Description: Provide a brief description or objective for the project.
  3. Set project preferences:
    • Budget: Enter the project’s estimated budget.
    • Priority: Select the priority of the project (Low, Medium, High).
    • Integration: Choose the platform you wish to integrate with (e.g., SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive).
  4. Finalize the Project:
    • Click the Create button once all fields are completed to save the new project.

>> FUMS Work Order (Manage Project)

FUMS Manage project-2

The Manage Project section helps you monitor and manage existing projects.

Steps to Manage a Project:

  1. Access the “Manage Project” screen:
    • From the left-hand menu, click on Manage Project.
  2. Search for projects:
    • Use the Search bar at the top of the screen to filter projects by name.
  3. View and edit projects:
    • Projects are listed in the following columns:
      • Project Name: The name assigned to the project.
      • Manager: The email address of the project manager.
      • Budget: The allocated budget for the project.
      • Status: The current status of the project (e.g., Initial, Rejected, Approved).
      • Priority: The project’s priority level (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
      • Start Date: The date when the project began.
    • Click on a project row to view or edit its details.

>> FUMS Work Order (Create WO)

The Create WO screen allows you to generate new work orders for ongoing projects.

Steps to Create a Work Order:

Navigate to the “Create Work Order” screen:

    • From the left-hand menu, click on Create WO to access the form.
  1. Fill in the work order details:
    • WO Name: Provide a unique name for the work order.
    • Start Date and End Date: Set the time frame for the work order using the date picker.
    • Assign To: Select the individual or team responsible for carrying out this work order.
    • Status: Choose the work order’s current status (e.g., Initial, In Progress, Completed).
    • Description: Include a brief explanation of the work required.
  2. Set work order preferences:
    • Priority: Assign a priority level to the work order (Low, Medium, High).
    • Report To: Select the person or department to report the work order progress.
    • WO Extend: Enable the work order extension option, if applicable.
  3. Save the Work Order:
    • After completing all fields, click the Create button to submit the work order.

>> FUMS Work Order (Manage WO)

FUMS manage Workorder

The Manage WO screen allows you to search, filter, and manage existing work orders within the FUMS platform.

Features and Functions:

  1. Work Order Search Bar:
    • Located at the center of the screen, the Search Bar allows you to filter through existing work orders by name or ID.
    • To use: Type the name or identifier of the work order you wish to find, and the system will narrow down the results accordingly.
  2. Menu Button:
    • Situated at the top-right corner of the screen, the Menu Button (represented by three horizontal lines) provides access to additional system options, such as settings, help, or user preferences.
  3. User Information:
    • Located on the top right of the screen under the Menu Button, it displays the currently logged-in user’s name (in this case, user X). This helps identify which account is being used.

This allows you to manage multiple work orders efficiently, ensuring smooth execution of tasks and streamlined access to work order data.

> FUMS Admin portal

FUMS Admin Portal

The Admin Portal is used to manage licenses, users, and other administrative tasks within the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).

Features and Functions:
  1. Licensing Details:
    • Displays key licensing information for the system, including:
      • License Status: Current status of the system license.
      • License Issue Date: When the license was issued.
      • License Expire Date: When the license expires.
      • License Type: Type of license (e.g., Viewer or Editor).
      • Existing Editors/Viewers: The current number of editors and viewers registered.
      • Payment Status: Information on the license payment.
  2. Add User:
    • A section to add new users to the system.
    • Enter the Username, select the Domain, and the system will generate the Login ID automatically.
    • After entering these details, you can assign them to specific roles (viewer, editor, etc.).
  3. Search User:
    • Use the Search Bar on the right-hand side of the screen to find an existing user by their username.
    • You can narrow down users based on inputted characters.
  4. Update User:
    • Once a user is selected, click the Update Button (pencil icon) to edit their details or modify their roles within the system.
  5. Delete User:
    • If a user needs to be removed from the system, select them and click the Delete Button (trash can icon).
  6. Edit Domain:
    • The Edit Domain Button (next to the logout button) allows you to change the domain for the system or users.
  7. Logout Button:
    • Located in the top-right corner, the Logout Button will sign the current admin out of the system.
Managing Users
  • Add New Users: Use the fields provided in the Add User section to register a new user, assign a domain, and generate a login ID.
  • Edit and Update: After searching for a user, modify their details by clicking on the Update User button.
  • Remove Users: To remove users from the system, simply click on the Delete Button after selecting a user.

This portal provides admins with a central place to manage user access and license details in the system.

>> FUMS Admin Portal (Update User Info)

FUMS Admin Portal (user info)

The Update User Information screen allows system administrators to modify user details such as usernames, passwords, and roles.

Fields and Actions:
  1. Username:
    • Update or edit the username of the user.
  2. Password:
    • Enter a new password for the user if necessary.
  3. Re-type Password:
    • Confirm the new password by re-entering it.
  4. User Status:
    • Select the user’s current status (e.g., Active, Inactive) from the dropdown list.
  5. User Type:
    • Choose the role for the user (e.g., Viewer, Editor) based on their system access level.
  6. Update Button:
    • Once all required information is entered, click the Update button to apply the changes.
Steps to Update User Information:
  1. In the Admin Portal, select the user you want to update and click on the Update User button (pencil icon).
  2. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to update their Username, Password, and other details.
  3. After filling in the information, ensure that the User Status and User Type are selected correctly.
  4. Click the Update button to save the changes.

This functionality ensures that administrators can efficiently manage user profiles and maintain proper access control within the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS).


> FUMS Survey App

FUMS Survey App

The Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) Survey App interface for managing and conducting surveys related to fiber optic infrastructure. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

  • App Name: “FUMS Survey” displayed at the top to indicate the application.
  • Zoom In/Out: Tools to zoom in or out on the map for better visibility of details.
  • Search Bar: A search feature allowing users to search for specific addresses or places.
  • Esri Link: A link to ESRI resources, likely for GIS (Geographical Information System) integrations.
  • Legend: Displays a map legend, explaining symbols and colors used on the map.
  • Maps Gallery: A collection of different map views.
  • More Menu: Additional options for navigation and tools.
  • Full Screen: Enables full-screen mode for easier viewing of the map.
  • Layers: Controls to toggle different data layers on or off on the map.
  • Bookmark: Feature to save specific map locations for quick access.
  • Print: Option to print the current map view.
  • Query: A tool to query the map for specific data points.
  • Survey Widgets: On the left side, several widgets are available for adding or viewing different survey types:
      • Add OSP: Add Outside Plant surveys.
      • Survey ISP: Perform In-building Structured Cabling surveys.
      • Viewer ISP: View existing ISP surveys.
      • Survey: General survey tool.
      • Add Bulk Survey: Add surveys in bulk.
      • Survey Report: Generate and view reports of completed surveys.
    • Map: The main map display area showing the geographic layout of the infrastructure.

>> FUMS Survey

FUMS Survey 1

This  highlights the search functionality in the FUMS Survey application. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Search Bar: Located at the top, users can type in addresses or street names to locate specific areas on the map.
  • Show Results: Once a query is entered, matching results appear in a drop down below the search bar.
  • Highlighted Result: Upon selecting a result, the location is highlighted on the map with a pop-up showing details like the street name and other relevant information.

This interface helps you to  quickly locate and highlight specific areas, enhancing the efficiency of conducting surveys or managing fiber infrastructure.

>> FUMS Survey (print Option)

FUMS Survey – Print Options

  • Print: The print button allows you to print the current map view.
  • Formats to Download: Select different formats such as PDF, PNG, or SVG for downloading maps.
  • Layout Selection: Choose the map layout, like A3, A4, landscape, or portrait.
  • Advanced Settings: Fine-tune print options with advanced settings, such as map scale, DPI, and custom attributes.
  • Selection Menu: Adjust the map’s dimensions, print quality, and attribute visibility.

This helps you how you can print survey maps and adjust print parameters according to your  needs.

>> FUMS Survey(Legend and layers Tabs)

FUMS Survey – Legend and Layers Tabs

  • Legend Tab: Shows a tab view of the legend where map symbols and their meanings are displayed, such as different statuses for structures, poles, and sites (new, posted, submitted).
  • Layers Tab: Shows a tab view of all active map layers, including FUMS Survey, Structures, Sites, Poles, and Fiber Cable. You can toggle these layers on or off to customize the map view.

This  explain how you can switch between viewing the Legend (to understand map symbols) and Layers (to control map visibility) for a more interactive and flexible experience.

>> FUMS Survey( Basemap and bulk Survey Features)

FUMS Survey 4

FUMS Survey – Basemap and Bulk Survey Features

  • Open Basemap: This option allows users to change the base map for their survey. The basemap gallery tab is visible, showing various options like “Topographic,” “Dark Grey Canvas,” etc.
  • Basemap Tab View: Shows the available basemaps users can select to change the background and context for the map.
  • Add Bulk Survey: This feature allows users to upload bulk survey data via URL or file upload. The “Input” section offers options to either upload a file or provide a URL. The “Run” button is used to initiate the bulk survey processing.

This can be useful for explaining how you can customize your map’s appearance by selecting different basemaps and how to add multiple survey entries in one go by using the bulk survey upload feature.

> FUMS Editor App

FUMS Editor

The FUMS Editor pathway allows you to access and edit work orders or project details within the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS). Follow these steps to use the FUMS Editor:

Access the FUMS User Portal
  • Login to the FUMS User Portal using your credentials.
  • On the portal’s main screen, locate the FUMS Editor button and click it to proceed.
2. Select a Work Order
  • After clicking the FUMS Editor button, a pop-up window will appear.
  • In the pop-up, use the dropdown menu to select the desired work order.
  • Click OK once you have chosen the correct work order.

>> FUMS Editor Screen:

FUMS Editor Screen

The FUMS Editor Interface provides an intuitive way to manage work orders and various modules related to fiber network management.

Username and Selected Work Order
  • Username: Displays the current user logged into the FUMS platform (e.g., FUMS Demo).
  • Selected Work Order: Shows the active work order currently being edited (e.g., WO-000014). You can switch work orders if needed by accessing the work order section.
1.Survey Module

The Survey Module is used to manage and process field data collected during site surveys. It includes tools to:

  • Create new surveys.
  • Access historical survey records.
  • Generate reports based on survey results.
2.OSP Module (Outside Plant)

The Outside Plant (OSP) Module is used to manage external infrastructure, including fiber cables, ducts, and poles. Key functionalities:

  • Add, edit, and manage OSP assets.
  • Visualize and monitor OSP layouts in the network map.
3.ISP Module (Inside Plant)

The Inside Plant (ISP) Module allows the management of network components inside buildings, such as:

  • Racks, patch panels, and indoor fiber links.
  • Track the connections between outside and inside plant assets.
4.Connectivity Module

The Connectivity Module enables the tracking and management of fiber optic connections:

  • View logical paths for connections between different plant assets.
  • Monitor the health and status of individual fiber links.
5.Reporting Module

The Reporting Module provides tools for generating detailed reports on network assets and their performance. You can:

  • Create custom reports based on different parameters (e.g., faults, connectivity).
  • Export and share reports as needed for analysis.
6.Logical Inventory

The Inventory Module tracks all assets and resources in the network:

  • Manage fiber cables, hardware, and other inventory items.
  • Update stock levels and track the usage of inventory during maintenance or installations.
7.Trace Module

The Trace Module provides the ability to trace network paths:

  • Visualize the path of fiber connections from one point to another.
  • Identify any issues or breaks in the network by tracing individual fibers.
8.Fault Management

The Fault Management Module allows you to:

  • Log and track network faults.
  • Assign maintenance or repair tasks to resolve detected issues.
  • Monitor the status of faults from detection to resolution.
Navigation Tips:
  • Zoom and Pan: Use the map view to zoom in and pan across the network infrastructure to view detailed layouts.
  • Search Bar: Located at the top of the interface to quickly find addresses, places, or specific network assets.

>>FUMS Editor- Layer Selection and Activation

FUMS Editor 1

FUMS Editor- Layer Selection and Activation

  • Layer Icon: Located at the top right, this icon opens the Layer List. The Layer List provides users with control over which data layers are displayed on the map.
  • Layer List: In the Layer List panel, users can select or deselect different layers to show on the map.
  • Enabled Layer List: In the second image, several layers are selected and displayed on the map with red dashed lines marking selected elements like cables and boundaries.

This  highlights how you can toggle different infrastructure elements on the map using the Layer List feature for better visualization and management of data.

>>FUMS Editor- Enabled Layer Visualization

FUMS Editor 2

FUMS Editor- Enabled Layer Visualization

  • Enabled Layer: The Layer List shows multiple infrastructure layers, and specific layers have been enabled in the panel (highlighted on the right side). The selected layers include cables and closures.
  • Layer Shown on Map: In both maps, the enabled layers are visible with colored lines and symbols, representing different infrastructure elements like fiber cables or closures.
    • In the top map, purple lines represent activated layers for cables.
    • In the bottom map, green and pink symbols show the enabled layers for closures and related infrastructure components.

This  demonstrates how specific infrastructure layers are activated and visualized on the map for operational management.

FUMS Editor 3

 Here is the Basemap and Measurement features demonstration in the FUMS application. Key elements:

  • Basemap Gallery: Allows users to select different types of basemaps from a gallery, providing various visualization options for the map.
  • Selected Basemap: Displays the currently chosen basemap, reflecting the selected layout for the map view.
  • Measurements: A tool for calculating distances or areas within the map, with the results displayed on the right-hand panel.

These features enable you to customize the map view and make precise geographical measurements for managing fiber utility networks.

>>FUMS Editor- OSP Editor

FUMS Editor(OSP Editor)-2

The FUMS Viewer and OSP (Outside Plant) Editor modules are integral components of the Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS). They provide users with a GIS-based interface to visualize network assets, manage data, and perform operations like creating, editing, and managing features within transmission and metro networks.

Getting Started

  1. Accessing the Modules:
    • Log in to the FUMS User Portal.
    • Select either the FUMS Viewer or OSP Editor from the module icons.
  2. User Interface Overview:
    • The left panel provides navigation for modules like Outside Plant, Inside Plant, Connectivity, Reporting, Trace, and Fault Management.
    • The map view displays geospatial data with overlays of network assets.

OSP Editor

The OSP Editor allows users to create and edit features directly on the GIS map.

  • Creating Features:
    • Open the OSP Editor panel from the right side.
    • Select a template for the feature you want to create (e.g., Cabinet, Pole, Vault).
    • Click on the map to place the feature and configure its attributes.
  • Editing Features:
    • Select an existing feature on the map.
    • Modify its attributes or reposition it as needed.
    • Save changes automatically by checking the “Save new features automatically” box.
  • Feature Categories:
    • Structure: Add components like cabinets, poles, and vaults.
    • Attachments: Configure planned or existing attachments to infrastructure.

> FUMS Viewer App

FUMS Viewer

The Fiber Utility Management System (FUMS) Viewer is designed to provide users with a comprehensive view of fiber infrastructure.

Modules Overview

  1. Survey Module
    Allows users to view survey data related to fiber infrastructure.
  2. OSP Module (Outside Plant)
    Provides visibility of outside plant components such as cables, ducts, and poles.
  3. ISP Module (Inside Plant)
    Displays the layout and elements inside buildings like fiber distribution and equipment.
  4. Connectivity Module
    Shows the connections between various fiber infrastructure components, ensuring efficient network management.
  5. Reporting Module
    Facilitates the generation of reports for analysis and record-keeping.
  6. Inventory
    Displays available fiber-related assets, helping users manage inventory efficiently.
  7. Trace Module
    Enables tracing of fiber paths and connections to analyze network layouts and troubleshoot issues.
  8. Fault Management
    Allows users to monitor and manage faults in the fiber network, ensuring quick response to issues.

Navigation and Features

  • FUMS User Portal: The home page for navigating between different system sections such as the Viewer, Survey, and Editor.
  • Map Interface: A detailed map showing fiber infrastructure across the region with tools for zooming, searching, and viewing different basemaps.
  • Basemap Gallery: Choose from various map styles to suit your viewing preferences.
  • Measurement Tools: Provides options to measure distances and areas directly on the map.
FUMS Viewer screen
  • Enabled Layer: The Layer List shows multiple infrastructure layers, and specific layers have been enabled in the panel (highlighted on the right side). The selected layers include cables and closures.
  • Layer Shown on Map: In both maps, the enabled layers are visible with colored lines and symbols, representing different infrastructure elements like fiber cables or closures.
    • In the top map, purple lines represent activated layers for cables.
    • In the bottom map, green and pink symbols show the enabled layers for closures and related infrastructure components.

This  demonstrates how specific infrastructure layers are activated and visualized on the map for operational management.