FUMS Modules

Highlighted Modules

FUMS| Inside Plant

ISP Module

The OSP Assets carry numerous Inside plant equipment. Ranging from splitters, routers, racks, floors, rooms, and many more.To keep record of these items, the ISP Module of FUMS offers a graphical interface

FUMS | Outside Plant

OSP Module

Designing and OSP Operations of a fiber network has never been so easy before. The simple and easy to use FUMS enable users to simply select any model from a pre-defined / configurable list and click on the map to place it.

FUMS | Reporting

Reporting Module

All the reports and maps required to get approval from governing authorities can be printed in PDF using Reporting & Printing module.

FUMS | Connectivity

Connectivity Module

Fiber connectivity with equipment ports are enabled to keep detail record of which port is connected with which fiber for better management of network.

FUMS | Fault Management

Fault Management

FUMS' fault management module swiftly detects and resolves faults in fiber optic networks, ensuring high reliability and minimal downtime.

FUMS | trace

Trace Module

Trace is an important aspect of any fiber network to view logical connectivity of ports and fibers for this specific need Trace Report is enabled for FUMS and results can be easily added on map.

FUMS | Survey

Survey Module

The survey module in FUMS facilitates comprehensive assessment and planning for fiber optic network deployments, offering tools for site evaluation, feasibility studies, and efficient resource allocation.

WorkOrder Management

Projects can be created and multiple work orders can be assigned within each project. Only managers have the authority to create work orders. Access to the Editor app is granted based on the work orders assigned to the user.

Material Management

Store inventory is also integrated with FUMS so design can be more efficient and use material that already exist in store inventory.